Dark Shadows, Yes
This is NEW and unrelated
Dark Shadows Music by Robert Lattin |
As someone who loves the original music from ABC TV’s hit show
Dark Shadows, would there ever be a doubt that a musician and composer such as myself would not want to create similar music?
Dark Shadows music had songs about love, songs about death and despair, and yes, many a song about evil. The music didn’t glorify “darkness’ that had befallen the characters on the show, it accompanied and enhanced that mood in the people’s lives and the forces that were taking control of them.
As a true fan from its inception, the music kept me mesmerized, it kept me inspired, and it even drove me to obsessiveness. Dark Shadows music was one of the ingredients that made me a collector of DS memorabilia, besides forming my musical tastes in instrumental and soundtrack music.
The composer of all of the Dark Shadows music was
Robert Cobert; and myself, being “obsessive” and being a composer, I studied his music daily, even when I wasn’t even proficient on any instrument. There are lots of great horror music composers and songs out there, but Robert Cobert’s music captivated me. He can take a simple piano melody and twist it in a way that was beautiful yet dangerous at the same time.
With other horror flicks that he composed for, such as
The Night Stalker, you would get a powerful song about evil, a quick song about excitement, and even a song about falling in love. With
Winds of War, you had songs about courage and songs about defeat. With
Dark Shadows, you can get a song about love and a song about evil
all wrapped up into one.
For me, his music doesn't only create images of the halls of Collinwood or Barnabas Collins or the werewolf as much as it has an emotional effect on me that draws me into the music itself. Where does the violin lead? What step does the cello make? What note turns the corner with the xylophone?
Melancholy, yes, yet melodic, I wanted to emulate that music. I've been composing horror soundtrack music for many years and have plenty of old recordings to testify to that fact. Now I am sharing with you a song I started at least ten years ago but finally have it recorded for the public and proud to present it to you.
A Song About Evil
Day of Dark Shadows” is that song.
(Player is several paragraphs down) This song about evil was originally to be the opening piece for an album concept that carries the listener from darkness and into a finale which cheers them up. It does not glorify evil, it is meant to be frightening, according to its intended purpose.
This song focuses not on Collinwood, but on shadows. These shadows represent malevolent action, of course. Sometimes shadows represent doubt or depression or death or sadness. Yes, this is a song about evil - but what is more frightening than evil? The shadows in this song are somewhat demonic, creeping their way into lives, slowly, steadily, and with purpose.
I have tried to convey that image of "slowly, steadily, and with purpose" with the bass line and piano. With this movement is deep sounds, darkness, a slow beat. There no tight timing but a freely moving about type of beat. But, as I said, these shadows are evil, therefore they are not as passive as you think. They taunt man, they trip man and they laugh at man.
The Laughing Guitar
To create this image of a mocking laughing “shadow”, I employed my “
laughing guitar”. You can hear that below. With counterpoint, the guitar laughs and answers what the bass and piano do and say. And towards the end of the song, another guitar slowly seeps in the background exemplifying other machinations.
Other notes:
This song about evil is available at
Reverbnation. This version is a shortened version and was tapered at the end. The extended version has mood transition and minor song appendix at the end and is not applicable to this release.
This song was originally created on a Gibson Byrdland guitar and the piano recordng replaced all the bass lines on the guitar. I used a Harmony bass guitar for the various bass lines. First tracks were created 2004 in Chicago. Re-recording in Detroit and remix in Chicago 2015.
It also dawned on me that the title of the second DS movie was “Night of Dark Shadows”. My song “Day of Dark Shadows” makes a good “yin and yang” of the words, doesn’t it?
If you are a Dark Shadows fan, or even a horror music buff, please let your friends hear this. It may be a change of pace from what they’re used to hearing in horror soundtrack music.
Share and share often!
UPDATE 2020: I will be making this song and others available on a new site so hang in there!
Relevant links:
House of Dark Shadows
Dark Shadows Music 1969
Robert Cobert Talks about Quentin's Theme